Serenity Candles – Rose Gold Tin – Black Cherry – PR


I was very lucky to receive this Black Cherry candle from Serenity Candles NI for me to review for my followers – Please note I received this complimentary!

Serenity Candles is a company that prides themselves on being 100% natural, only using the best ingredients in every item they hand-make. They only use Soy wax, which is environmentally friendly and made from vegetable oil. Their packaging oozes pure luxury with their classy rose gold tins that will look beautiful on everyone’s vanity!

Soy wax candles are becoming the new candles of choice due to their eco-friendly aspect and cleaner burning. Due to the soy wax having a lower burning temperature than traditional candle wax, it produces less soot which enhances the aroma and prevents nasty smoke being let off.

This black cherry scent is beautiful, and is reminiscent of a perfectly baked cherry pie. The container is a stunning rose gold tin, which looks amazing on my vanity. This candle burnt for a long, long while and lasted me approximately 60 hours over various days!

Bottom Line: A luxurious, handmade and poured candle that can give Yankee Candle a run for their money!

Price: £10 at Serenity Candles NI.

Rating: *****